
Grazon Pro - Excellent spot treatment for control of docks and thistles

Pack Size / OptionsPrice 
1 ltr  £69.30 Inc VAT

Product Description


 For use in grassland such as paddocks

Grazon Pro is a selective herbicide for Spot treatment for docks, thistles and nettles.

A foliar acting herbicide for the control of perennial broad-leaved weeds including nettles, docks, thistles and brambles, broom and gorse in established grassland.


Grass and weeds must be actively growing to ensure good weed control and minimal check to the grass. Do not spray in very hot or very cold weather conditions or in a drought.

Do not apply the product where clover is an important part of the sward. Clover will be eradicated by an application of GRAZON PRO

Only use GRAZON PRO on permanent pasture or on leys that have been established for at least 1 year.

Thoroughly clean the sprayer after use.

DO NOT use any plant material treated with GRAZON PRO for composting or mulching.

DO NOT use manure from animals fed on crops treated with GRAZON PRO for composting.

Keep livestock out of treated areas for at least 7 days and until foliage of any poisonous weeds such as ragwort has died and become unpalatable. To allow maximum translocation of GRAZON PRO to the roots do not cut grass for 28 days after application


Common Nettle:   Spray when actively growing but preferably before flowering  
Dock (curled and broad-leaved): Treat in the spring when the docks are in the rosette stage up to 25cm high. If the grass has been cut for hay or silage or grazed leave for 2-3 weeks to allow sufficient re-growth to occur before spraying. On large well established docks, or where there is a high reservoir of seed in the soil a second dose the following year may be required.
Creeping thistle 12 Spray when actively growing but before flowering spikes are 15cm high. For thistles beyond this stage the rate should be increased to 12 millilitres per 100m2. Applications of GRAZON PRO at flowering or during seeding is likely to produce reduced levels of control. If grass has been cut for hay or silage treat 2-3 weeks after cutting when sufficient regrowth has occurred.
Bramble, broom and gorse 12 Spray in June-August when actively growing but before plants begin to senesce in the autumn. It is essential that, particularly with large bushes, all the foliage is thoroughly wetted or incomplete kill may result.



Active Ingredient

240g/lt Triclopyr & 60g/lt Clopyralid

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