
DOXSTAR - Excellent Dock Weed Killer For Pasture & Paddocks

Pack Size / OptionsPrice 
DOXSTAR 2 LTR  £81.00 Inc VAT

Product Description



Doxstar Pro is a concentrated formulation controlling all species of docks in established grassland. 

•Doxstar Pro can be used in hay meadows, silage fields and grazing pastures offering benefits in both yield and forage palatability

  •DoxstarPro is translocated to the roots ensuring high levels of long-term control 

 •Flexibility with rates to meet your demand:Full rate of 2.0 L/ha or two applications of 1.0 L/ha, one in the Autumn with a follow up in the Spring.

•Grazing livestock can be returned to the field just 7 days after application and will not affect the growth of your grass.

•Apply at optimum stage when actively growing for best control of docks. If docks are past the optimum spray size, then top and allow 2 - 3 weeks re-growth before spraying Doxstar

ProRainfast in 2 hours

Keep livestock out of treated area until poisonous weeds such as Ragwort have died and become unpalatable. Please note this is not approved for use on amenity grassland

Always read the label before use

Active Ingredient

100g/L fluroxypyr & 100g/L triclopyr

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