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Legal Disclaimer
ChemiGro cannot take responsibility for any omissions from, or errors in, the general information provided on this site.
Additionally, ChemiGro cannot accept any responsibility for information obtained from other sites to which this site links.
The information on this site is for the use of UK based users only and is subject only to the laws of the United Kingdom.
Goods are sold on the understanding that they will only be used for their intended purpose and within the relevant UK legislation. The Seller accepts no responsibility for trained or untrained personnel without qualified supervision using or misusing the goods and equipment supplied by the Seller. All offers on the website are subject to stock availability and the Seller reserves the right to refuse and or restrict any order at any time. We take care at all times to ensure correct pack sizes, product specifications and product descriptions, and that products are reasonably fit for purpose , are given as a guide, in good faith, and these can be subject to alteration by the Seller without notice.
All items are guaranteed to the manufacturer’s warranty and will be reasonably fit for the purpose on the product label . The Sellers liability for any direct loss or damage resulting from any breach of contract, faulty product or any other cause howsoever arising will be limited to the purchase price of the Goods. The Seller in no circumstances will be liable for any indirect or resultant damage that has been incurred through use of purchased products from the Website.
Information provided on this site is accurate at the date of publication as far as ChemiGro are aware. However, it is of a general nature only and is not intended to address specific issues or to be a complete source of information.
CHEMICALS: Always read the product label. Use pesticides safely.
PRODUCTS: Mention of products on the ChemiGro website does not constitute an endorsement, nor does failure to mention products imply criticism.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Information on the ChemiGro website is intended to provide guidance only and does not constitute a recommendation.